How to Deter Burglars - 9 Tips to Secure Your Home

Learn how to deter burglars with our 9 tips to secure your home. We’re going to share with you the top 5 things that deter burglars - as told by burglars! Plus, we’ll give you plenty of tips so you can assess your home security.

Unfortunately, it's easy to become complacent and this can make your home an easy target for criminals. However, improving your home security and bringing awareness to this issue can make burglars’ lives more difficult. We want your home to become such a hard target that they go elsewhere.


Understanding burglary patterns

In the year ending March 2023, there were 191,490 police-recorded home burglaries according to the Crime Survey for England and Wales.

According to the Office for National Statistics:

  • Houses in urban areas are more likely to be victims of burglary, than rural areas

  • Young people (age 16 to 24) are more likely to be victims of burglary

  • Single parent households are more likely to be victims of burglary.


Common tactics

  • Most burglars enter through a door (around 70%)

  • 30% enter through a window

  • In around 50% of burglaries, someone was at home

  • It is a 50/50 split between the burglars being known to the victim vs. being strangers.


Peak burglary times

  • Around 70% of burglaries take place during the week

  • Approximately two-fifths of domestic burglaries in dwellings take place during the morning or afternoon (6am to 6pm)

  • Three-fifths take place during the evening or night (6pm to 6am)


What burglars steal

  • Purses, wallets and money are the most frequently stolen items

  • Jewellery and watches, computer equipment and other electronics are also being commonly stolen

  • Increasingly burglars are breaking into houses to steal the keys for your car.

How to deter burglars, burglar breaking in

How to deter burglars 

The first thing you need to do is think like a criminal - if you were targeting your home what are the weaknesses?

Let's hear from ex-burglars how to deter burglars!

Top 5 Things That Deter Burglars

Taken from a survey of ex-burglars.

  1. Burglar Alarm System

71% said a burglar alarm system would deter them

  • Do you have one?

  • Do you use it?

  • Have you had it serviced?

  • Do you turn it on at night or just when you go out?

  • Is it linked up to a security response unit?


2. A dog in the home

71% said having a dog in the home would deter them

  • Dogs are a great early warning system, especially if they sleep downstairs

  • Plus, if they are loose in the house they can cause problems for an intruder.


3. People in the property

52% said people in the property

  • This is quite concerning as it means that half of the intruders would be willing to enter your property with you in it


4. Surveillance cameras (CCTV)

46% said they would be deterred if there was CCTV

  • Do you have CCTV?

  • Is the CCTV monitored by a security firm or police?

  • How often do you check it?

  • Is it recorded?

  • What is the time loop before it is recorded over?


5. Motion-activated lighting

21% said outdoor sensors and lights would put them off

  • Do you have motion-activated lighting?

  • If yes, make sure your outside lights are working

  • We recommend a combination of low-level continuous lighting and bright sensor floodlights so there is nowhere to hide

Have you got all five of those?

Yes, great!

No, take action to secure your home.

Warning alarm

more tips to prevent burglaries

You’ve heard from ex-burglars about the 5 things that would put them off breaking into your home, but there’s still more you can do. Are you ready for more tips on how to deter burglars?

Let’s go.


6. Fortify entry points

  1. Think about entry-point reinforcement - where could a burglar enter your home and how can you secure it

  2. Upgrade your doors, ensure you have double locks and internal bolts

  3. Ensure doors have motion sensors that beep when they are opened 

  4. Upgrade your windows, close and lock them every night and when you go out

  5. Install blinds on all windows

  6. If you don't have CCTV and don't want to get it, try a Ring doorbell


7. Landscaping for security

  1. Assess your perimeters and landscaping for security

  2. Install high fences and a spiky hedge around the perimeter (depending on the size and location of your house, you may want to have low fencing at the front so there is nowhere for an intruder to hide)

  3. Consider anti-climb spikes and anti-climb paint on your fencing (you will need to display a sign warning of the spikes)

  4. Gravel paths and gravelled areas around the house create noise and can be off-putting.


8. Neighbourhood watch and community engagement

  1. Build a strong network with your neighbours and community

  2. Look out for each other and share safety tips or concerns with them.


9. don’t share information online

And finally, and this is a biggie, don't advertise yourself, your home and your possessions on social media.

It's not nice to think about but criminals are watching you. Telling them where you are going, what expensive belongings you have and showing them what your house is like makes their job easier.

When posting on socials, try to post after a night out or holiday and make sure it is clear you are now home, and try to avoid photos that identify where you live.

Be selective about the information you share, blurring out anything you don't want people to see.



We hope these tips on how to deter burglars have been helpful and you can make small changes to improve your home security.

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