- simple & effective sELF DEFENCE
Self defence for men is the ultimate guide to male self defence and personal safety aged 13 and over (with parental guidance).
With over 4 hours of video content split into 34 mini self defence lessons, you will learn life-saving self defence and violence prevention skills.
Costs just £36.99
Learn from self defence and security expert
Self Defence for Men is available worldwide - learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home!
“I did the Self Defence online course for men as a result of sometimes feeling anxious about my personal safety when on the streets. I’m so glad I did! Previously I did a Krav Maga course but found it difficult to remember all the moves and techniques. What I loved about Dene’s course was how it raised my awareness by putting acts of violence into a situational context, addressing my own mental mindset, and really easy to understand and hugely practical self defence techniques to get out of a violent confrontation if verbal de-escalation fails.
So impressed with Dene, always responsive to my enquiries and incredibly knowledgeable. Without hesitation I’d recommend this organisation. It’s a one hundred percent from me.”
Gareth Sinclair
Although the overall self defence principles and techniques we teach are the same for everyone, men’s self defence is different.
Statistics show that attacks on men are often due to social violence and are mostly ego-fuelled.
This type of ‘social’ violence can include road rage, drink- and drug-related fights, and gang culture.
We show you the difference between social violence (which can be avoided or de-escalated with the soft skills we teach) and anti-social violence (where a physical response may be required).
In Self Defence for Men, you’ll learn about warning signs of attacks and to demonstrate this you’ll watch real-life examples of attacks as we talk you through where people went wrong and how it could have been avoided.
Physical responses that work in the real world
The physical responses we teach are NOT martial arts, kicking or punching.
Martial arts are great for fitness, strength, discipline and focus but in a street fight or ambush attack they don’t work - especially for beginners.
Violence in the real world is raw, vicious and fast.
There are no rules of engagement and failure to act swiftly and effectively can be fatal.
In Self Defence for Men, we teach simple and effective physical responses that are proven to work in real life.
Our techniques are developed from special ops training and work in any situation - you just need the judgement to use them with care and within the law. This is also something we cover.
Is it OK for men to learn how to protect themselves and avoid violence? Yes, 100%.
Does it make you any less of a man if you’re worried about (or have experienced) abuse, assault or domestic violence?
No, absolutely not.
At Streetwise Defence we have taught thousands of men and boys how to defend themselves, de-escalate violence and avoid becoming the victim of an attack.
This should not be a taboo subject but we understand that many men would rather learn at home on their own, instead of joining a group class.
And that is exactly what you can do with Self Defence for Men.
Our aim is to educate and equip you with the skills to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and avoid the trauma of an attack or abuse.
Self Defence for Men Course Instructor
“After suffering the trauma of bullying as a child and social violence in my youth, my aim is to ensure that people don’t experience the emotional and physical pain that I did.
“I’ve dedicated my career to protecting people and now with our online courses we can offer affordable self defence education at the click of a button.”
Dene Josham is your instructor for Self Defence for Men. He has over 30 years’ security experience, including:
A-list bodyguard to actors such as Brad Pitt and Russell Crowe
Close protection for global billionaires and heads of industry
Time in The Royal Marines
Private security in hostile environments including Iraq, Libya and Nigeria.
Dene has experienced real-world violence and knows what self defence techniques actually work for men.
And, guess what?
It’s NOT martial arts, boxing, Krav maga, Muay Thai, Kickboxing or any other ninja moves!
In our simple demonstration videos, Dene shows how any man, regardless of fitness, age or ability can protect himself.
IS Self defence for men right FOR ME?
This men’s self defence course is for you if:
You want to learn simple and effective self defence techniques that anyone of any ability can use
You want to know how to de-escalate dangerous or potentially violent situations
You want to avoid threats and keep yourself and your loved ones safe
You want to learn from the comfort of your own home at a time and pace that suits you.
“Expert insights, high value skills and advice shared in a calm, coherent, friendly and memorable session. Thank you Dene”
Workshop feedback from Mr A.B.
self defence for men - CURRICULUM
Self Defence for Men is a pre-recorded video course that guides you through Dene’s proven self defence techniques and knowledge.
You choose how much you want to watch and when.
You could watch all 4 hours in one sitting or you could follow our 7 week program.
Our men’s self defence program splits content into sections that take less than 1 hour per week.
You receive 7 emails - 1 each week - taking you through the course at a manageable pace.
View the full curriculum below by clicking on the + icons.
Sections with video content have the length of the video in brackets after the title.
Start to shift your mindset by discovering what real self defence is and that you have the power to stay safe.
Welcome (1:47)
What you will learn (0:45)
Triggers, trauma, helplines and support (1:33)
Know the law and pre-emptive strike
Getting inside the head of a predator enables you to take steps to avoid becoming their 'prey' .
Knowledge of the two types of violence will help you judge whether you can de-escalate a situation or you need to use a physical response.
Watching clips of real attacks, with commentary from Dene on how to respond, allows you to prepare mentally for different situations and deal with them.
What the statistics say (7:28)
Case study: what happened to me (5:53)
The two types of violence (14:11)
Different types of attacks (9:17)
Understanding attackers (9:40)
Learn how to analyse the environment you are in and when to take action to avoid danger.
Tuning into your gut instinct will help keep you safe.
Developing a warrior mindset and picking your 'switch' will enable you to act to defend yourself, should you need it.
Setting emotional and physical boundaries will help defend your mind and your body
How we communicate (2:56)
Situation and environmental awareness (14:09)
Learn to trust your gut instinct (2:54)
Understanding yourself: mindset, adrenaline and your switch (14:48)
How to set boundaries to keep yourself safe (4:38)
Discover whether you are an easy target for a predator and learn the practical steps you can take to become an undesirable target.
Learn how to spot common warning signs of an attack and what action to take.
Becoming a hard target (6:05)
Using colour codes to evaluate danger and take action (3:43)
How to spot attack warning signs (7:43)
Verbal de-escalation (6:10)
Case study: a survivor’s story (10:04)
Learn the physical self defence moves that could save your life and protect your loved ones.
Discover how to take control of a variety of different physical situations.
Understand that you can act first if you feel in imminent danger.
Using the physical response appropriately and proportionately (0:54)
How and why to target soft tissue areas (2:34)
Finding the ideal stance (2:40)
The SHREDDER (8:07)
The FACE WASH (5:54)
How to use a palm strike (3:49)
Escaping a hair grab (1:34)
Physical response in the dark (2:59)
What to do on the ground and escaping strangulation (7:52)
The pre-emptive strike (3:38)
Bonus content! Learn what to do and how to defend yourself in a knife attack.
Understand what to do after an attack
Discover how men can be allies for other people.
Mitigating knife attacks (24:02)
What to do after an attack (1:47)
Men as allies (2:09)
Take time to reflect on what you have learnt.
Remember key points from the training
Discover how you can claim a FREE private Zoom session with Dene to ask your specific questions.
5 Key points to remember from the course
Links to our Facebook group and further support
How to access your private Zoom call.
Seriously impressed by how simple the techniques are, the Shredder etc. It is clear that anyone can do it, even me! Its great that you’ve covered all the bases, legal responsibilities, possible physical damage, what to do afterwards etc etc. I am impressed by just how comprehensive this is.”
Student feedback from H.
‘Self Defence for Men’ is simple to buy
Click ‘Buy now’ and you will be taken to a checkout page.
Our online courses are hosted on Teachable (the largest online learning platform in the world).
Enter your contact details and credit or debit card information to make your payment.
Create a password to access the course unless you already have a Teachable account.
After payment has gone through you will have instant access to Self Defence for Men online.
The video course is affordable and you receive lifetime access
Self Defence for Men costs just £36.99
Watch the videos as many times as you want.
The content will be available for the lifetime of the course.
4 hours of pre-recorded videos are available
Content is in small manageable sections on different topics so you can watch a bit at a time. Ideal for fitting it in around your lifestyle and responsibilities.
The online self defence class for men begins by understanding attackers and the reality of violence.
It moves on to understanding human behaviour and your body.
After that we look at how to become a ‘hard target’ and avoid danger.
Then finally we demonstrate the physical techniques in depth.
The aim is that, with the knowledge we share, you should never need to use a physical response. But if you do, then you will have a simple but effective technique to rely on.
No martial arts or experience needed!
Most male self defence classes promote martial arts, kicking, punching and complicated grabs, locks and escapes. But not ours!
We know that it takes years of training to master martial arts (Dene trained in martial arts when he was younger and won a kickboxing title). And in real-life scenarios, violence is scrappy and vicious - so a different approach is needed.
Our physical techniques are suitable for people of all abilities, ages and fitness levels.
What we teach is easy to remember and is based on special forces techniques and a deep understanding of attackers and violence.
Watch with a friend
We know that times are tight financially and we have tried to keep our course affordable. However, if you want to watch it with a friend and split the cost, we’re happy with that!
The added benefit of watching together with a friend or family member is that you can discuss each section and what comes up for you.
Another benefit of watching with a friend is that you can practice the physical responses - slowly and carefully.
Watch with your family
You can show this course (or parts of it) to children over 13 at your own discretion and guidance.
We recommend that you watch it first and decide what is appropriate for your child’s age and stage of development.
We are developing online self defence classes for teenage boys but these aren’t ready yet.
Self defence for Men is aimed at males (or anyone who identifies as male) aged 13+, however, people of any gender can watch it.
We do have a range of other courses, including Self Defence for Women available too.
Dene has over 30 years of experience in the security industry, including bodyguarding celebrities and CEOs and providing security in some of the world’s most dangerous countries.
He knows about real-world violence and what actually works.
We have taught self defence to thousands of people across the UK and internationally.
We regularly go into schools, universities, businesses and community groups to teach personal safety, violence de-escalation and self defence.
Dene teaching self defence at a school
No martial arts
We don’t teach martial arts, punching or kicking.
Our techniques are suitable for anyone of any ability.
They are easy to remember and effective.
“It was well worth the money!”
Student feedback
We understand. We are a trauma-informed company and Dene has a Level 5 qualification in trauma.
This means we understand how you may be affected by this sensitive subject.
We provide advice and trigger warnings throughout the course content, as well as links to professional support.
Here are a selection of the companies, schools and community groups that we have trained in personal safety and self defence.
Are you ready to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones?
Step into your power and enrol now on the ultimate male self defence program ‘Self Defence for Men’.