5 Home Security Mistakes to Avoid When Going on Holiday
In the rush to get away on holiday don't leave your home vulnerable to intruders!
Unfortunately, intruders are on the look-out for signs of an empty house and an easy job - don’t make it easy for them and become a victim of burglary!
We give you the top 5 tips for home security when on holiday. Do you make these 5 common home security mistakes to avoid when going on vacation?
1. Don't post on social media on holiday
Holiday pics are the best!
And who doesn't want to share pics of their sun, sea and adventures?!
But ... wait until you get home.
Sadly, not everyone who is following you online can be trusted - and advertising you are away gives criminals information you don't want them to have.
Also, don’t tell people you don’t know and trust that you are going on vacation!
2. Don't close your curtains or blinds
Closed blinds for days on end is a signal to an opportunist burglar that there is an empty house.
We recommend installing horizontal blinds in your windows, naturally making it more difficult for people to see in and acting as a physical barrier to intruders.
3. Don't forget to cancel home deliveries
A parcel or pile of parcels on your doorstep is another obvious sign that you aren't home.
Not only could the parcel get pinched but it could give an intruder or opportunist confidence to break in.
4. Don't leave obvious signs that you are away
Intruders will scope out your home by observing and getting as close as they can and looking in windows.
Avoid leaving any visible clues that you are away such as:
A calendar on the kitchen wall with 'HOLIDAY!!!' written on it
Bins left out on the kerb - ask a neighbour to bring them in for you
No car on the drive - ask a neighbour if they want to park on your drive.
5. Don't forget to lock up, set your alarm and lighting
In the rush (and blind panic!) that often ensues when leaving for a holiday, make sure you do your security checks.
Lock all windows.
Lock all doors.
Set your intruder alarm.
Set smart lighting (if you have it) or lighting on a timed plug.
We hope these tips for home security when on holiday help to keep your home safe. Enjoy your vacation!
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