How to Prevent Your Phone From Being Stolen
With over 10,000 mobile phones stolen in London every month, phone theft has become an epidemic.
Don’t become a victim of phone snatching!
Discover how to prevent your phone from being stolen with our simple tips.
If you have teenage children with phones, please discuss this with them as teens are often the targets of phone theft.
Phone snatching is rife as it is an easy crime to commit.
If you can understand how mobile phones are stolen, you can be more aware and able to avoid it.
Here are the main ways it happens:
By scooter - often with two people on the scooter. At the last minute, they mount the pavement or ride close to the curb. The one on the back grabs the phone as they ride past.
On a bike - similar to the scooter but with just one person on a bike who grabs the phone out of your hand as they ride by.
Pickpocket - stealing the phone from your pocket or bag without you noticing.
Theft in plain sight - stealing the phone from a restaurant table or bar as they walk by you.
Mugging - demanding you give them the phone and threatening violence if you don’t.
So many people who have their phones snatched were oblivious to the approaching thief.
Because they had their head down looking at the phone and were lost in thought, scrolling or texting.
And/or they were wearing headphones and were happily listening to their music or podcast.
To prevent your phone from being stolen, be aware!
Look around
See what is going on
Notice people
Notice vehicles or bikes
Pay attention to anything that seems out of place
Be completely present.
This isn't rocket science!
If your phone is out of sight it is much less likely to be snatched.
The problem is, we've all become accustomed to holding our phones and checking them constantly.
Unless it is absolutely necessary, store your phone in a zip pocket inside your coat or bag - somewhere safe from pickpockets.
Don't put it in your back trouser pocket or an open coat pocket - this is easy pickings for thieves.
Putting your phone away is the number 1 thing you can do to prevent your phone being stolen.
4. Be an undesirable target
The aim here is to make yourself a harder target for criminals.
Who would you rob?
The clueless person who seems lost looking despairingly at their phone
The person with headphones, zoned out, looking down at their phone, scrolling away
The confident person with their head up, looking around, with no visible phone and walking with purpose.
It’s got to be 1 or 2, hasn’t it?
Thieves want an easy life - they don’t want to get caught or get into a fight.
They just want to obtain what they want and get away.
If you can make yourself an undesirable target, chances are, they won’t pick you.
5. Don’t bother with phone lanyards, necklaces or scarves
We often get asked ‘but what about phone lanyards, phone necklaces and other anti-theft devices?’
Our answer - don’t bother.
The problem with things like 'anti-theft phone lanyards' is that you still have your phone on show and the thief might not notice the lanyard around your wrist or neck.
So you could end up getting pulled over, dragged along, choked or injured when they snatch the phone, especially if they are travelling at speed on a moped.
You could even get into a physical altercation if they decide to hit you or fight you to release the phone.
What about wearing headphones and putting your phone away?
Some people suggest that wearing headphones and having the phone away in your bag is an option, particularly if you need to follow directions, but we don’t recommend it.
You still lose the ability to hear someone approaching you.
And, expensive sets of headphones are also targets for thieves.
There’s really no way around it - the simplest thing to prevent your phone being stolen is to put it away.
6. Check your phone safely then put it away
If you do need to check your phone in a busy area, choose a safe place to stop.
Choose somewhere not too busy, where you can stand with your back against a wall and have a good view all around you.
Notice if there are any bikes or scooters nearby or if anyone is watching you or looks out of place.
You can often sense with your gut instinct if something or someone is 'off'.
Only when you feel comfortable, get out your phone, check it quickly and put it away.
7. Never put your phone on a cafe table or bar
Never put your phone on a restaurant table or bar!
Many phones are stolen this way, especially if you have a couple of drinks and get distracted!
It only takes a second for someone to walk past your table and swipe it and you'll be none the wiser until it's time to go.
8. Don’t fight over your phone!
Never get into a tug of war over a phone or any other possession!
Things can be replaced but you can't!
This is something we emphasise during our self defence training, especially with men, where ego can make you want to fight.
No material possession is worth experiencing the trauma of an attack, suffering a life-changing injury or even losing your life over.
If someone is trying to mug you, give them what they want and get away - do not fight them.
They probably just want your stuff - not to hurt you.
However, if you give them your phone and they then escalate by trying to get you into a car or down an alley etc. that is the time to respond physically and fight or run like your life depends on it.
What if the thief is armed?
The thief may well be armed, in fact, they probably will be.
They want to rob people with minimal trouble.
When you threaten someone with a knife they generally give you what you want without a fight.
This doesn't necessarily mean they will use the knife on you though.
So, expect the thief to be armed and treat the situation seriously.
Give them the phone and get away safely.
That's why it's so important to avoid becoming the thief's target in the first place.
Keep your phone safe - what to do right now!
Here are a few things you can do now that will make it easier should the worst happen and your phone be stolen. These will vary depending on which type of phone you have:
Ensure the 'find my phone' option is turned on
Turn on ‘stolen device protection’ (for iPhone = in Face ID and passcode and ensure it is set to ‘always’)
Enable account lock (for iPhone = in Settings, Screentime, Content & Privacy Restrictions, Passcode & Face ID - change to ‘Don’t allow’, then go into Accounts - change to ‘Don’t Allow’, then go into Screentime settings and add a Lock Screentime Passcode). Once you have done this the personal information in your iPhone settings will not be accessible. NB. To access this information yourself, you will need to go back into Screentime and temporarily allow changes to Passcode & Face ID and Accounts.
Turn off message previews (this stops people seeing a preview of a banking reset code etc.)
Make a note of your phone's IMEI number and serial number - this will make it easier to report if it is stolen.
How to prevent your phone from being stolen
The simple answer to prevent your phone from being stolen is to put it away somewhere safe and out of sight.
Easier said than done.
This takes awareness and a change in our habits.
We seem to forget that it was only 20-something years ago when we all managed to find our way, make plans with friends and get from A to B without a smartphone.
Sadly, we've become too reliant on our phones and criminals use this to their advantage.
We hope these tips have given you something to think about and will help you keep yourself (and your phone!) safer.
You can also hear our tips in the video below.
stay safe, stay in control
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